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Freelance Jobs

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

55. (Singapore) Request for 5S Housekeeping Training

Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 16:37:02 +0800

Subject: FW: 5S Training for Managers and Facilitators Refresher Training

Hi Sir,

Our quotation is now pending their management approval, after their HR has submitted their recommendation. Please see modified course program, per requirements discussed during our meeting with the client.

Do note the Facilitator Training is a one-day refresher course, with focus on 5S auditing. And the Management Training is 1 day plus 0.5 days for follow-up workshop.

I do not know the number of pax yet. If they can fulfil the class size, we will pay you S$...... per day, as per last year.

They are now planning ahead for these dates. We are looking at:

Program A - 5S Manager’s Training – 29 July 2010 (1 day) & 12 Aug 9.00am to 12.00 noon (0.5day)
Program B – 5S Facilitator’s Course – 28 July (1 day)

Please confirm if you are available.

They also have some request on Course Contents / Materials. They would like to build in some of the messages (e.g their roles & responsibilities) into the training so that it would be more relevant to their context. I will ask them to get in touch with you.



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