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Monday, August 23, 2010

90. (Book and Training) Ideas Book

16 August 2010

Dear Sir,

The book is now on sale! This is to enhance the Training programmes below.

IDEAS@Work is a series of training programmes aimed at all 3 key players whose roles are vital to the success of your suggestion scheme; namely, the Suggestion Scheme (SS) steering committee, the managers and supervisors, and the staff who make the suggestions.

We have even specially produced a video, entitled Ideas No Enough to enhance the effectiveness of our IDEAS@Work training. This video features popular local television artistes in an actual company setting.

Topic A. Tapping Employee Ideas (TEI) .

For Whom: SS committee members and department SS coordinators.


  • Better understand the key factors for success in managing a staff suggestion scheme
  • Able to develop strategies to overcome the problems in managing the staff suggestion scheme

Topic B: Encouraging Staff Suggestions (ESS)

For Whom: For line managers and supervisors.


  • Able to perform his role in the effective implementation of the staff suggestion scheme
  • Able to help his staff to come up with more and better quality suggestions

Topic C: Tools for Effective Suggestions (TES)

For Whom: All staff who are eligible to participate in the company’s staff suggestion scheme


  • Understand his role in the staff suggestion scheme
  • Able to spot opportunities for suggestions
  • Learn basic idea generation techniques
  • Know how to present ideas in the form of workable suggestions

LATEST UPDATE (23 August 2010):

Click image to enlarge

Staff Suggestion Scheme (SSS)

Operating a successful Staff Suggestion Scheme is not easy!

Many organisations embark on a Staff Suggestion Scheme (SSS) with the hope of developing what Peter Drucker calls, “a thinking workforce”. But to their disappointment, what they often achieve is more of a complaining workforce. Instead of suggestions that help to solve problems and raise quality and productivity, much of what they receive are feedback which merely point out the problems without offering practical solutions. Rarely do they receive suggestions that are well thought-through and carefully written.

Is your company in such a predicament? YES? NO?

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